What is Docker? Learn How to Use Containers Explained with Examples

Docker is one of the most popular container-based platforms attracting the attention of many development teams. More and more companies are switching to Docker due to its reliability, performance, and functionality. When you use the docker pull or docker run commands, Docker pulls the required images from your configured registry. When you use the docker push command, Docker pushes
your image to your configured registry. If you want to run as a non-root user in Kubernetes you’ll need to use the securityContext section in your manifest, as described in this post. If you have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled on
your account, you must create at least one personal access token.

what is docker used for

Docker’s modular and client-server architecture makes it a versatile containerization and application deployment tool. It provides a consistent and efficient way to package, distribute, and run applications across different environments, from development laptops to production servers. If you are interested in learning more about this powerful tool, we recommend you go for a robust data science course to learn data science in a structured environment.

How To Get Started With Docker

Discover the perfect plan to empower your team and streamline your workflow. Docker is so popular today that “Docker” and “containers” are used interchangeably. But the first container-related technologies were available for years—even decades (link resides outside IBM)—before Docker was released to the public in 2013.

what is docker used for

When you use commands such as docker run, the client sends these
commands to dockerd, which carries them out. For example, if your app needs to install dependencies, you could do something like RUN cd src/ && npm install. Anything that your app needs to bootstrap it’s installation and get up and running is defined in the Dockerfile. Docker Engine runs on Linux, Windows, and macOS, and supports Linux and Windows for Docker containers. The exact flavor of Linux doesn’t actually matter; most versions of Linux will run the same kernel, and only differ in the user software.

Docker Images

If you want to dig deeper into layers, this article gives a lot of detail on how to find, list, and manage them. In 2016, the first version of Docker for a different OS than Linux was announced. Windocks https://deveducation.com/ released a port of Docker’s OSS project designed to run on Windows. And, by the end of the same year, Microsoft announced that Docker was now natively supported on Windows through Hyper-V.

Docker Desktop (link resides outside ibm.com) is an application for Mac or Windows that includes Docker Engine, Docker CLI client, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, and others. Small containerized applications make it easy to deploy, identify issues, and roll back for remediation. Running Docker on AWS provides developers and admins a highly reliable, low-cost way to build, ship, and run distributed applications at any scale. In this article you learned all about Docker, why it is useful in software development, and how you can start using it.

Resources for AWS

Projects like Kubernetes and OKD provide container orchestration for Docker, Podman, CRI-O, and more. A container, in fact, is a runtime instance of an image — what the image becomes in memory when actually executed. It runs completely isolated from the host environment by default, only accessing host files and ports if configured to do so.

what is docker used for

Docker can install this user software to the container, allowing you to run a CentOS container on Ubuntu. You couldn’t though, for example, run FreeBSD on Ubuntu, since the kernels are different. What Is Docker Docker is similar in concept to Virtual Machines, except it’s much more lightweight. The final docker update I’ve found around updates to the supported and default linux distros.

  • Docker open sourced libcontainer and partnered with a worldwide community of contributors to further its development.
  • With Docker, you can try out new software without installing it manually.
  • Docker
    containers can run on a developer’s local laptop, on physical or virtual
    machines in a data center, on cloud providers, or in a mixture of environments.
  • The Client is nothing but a command line interface, that allows users to interact with Docker using the commands.

Note that while all the .NET 8 images (except the SDK images) have the capability to run as a non-root user, you will still run as root by default. The exception is for chiseled images which use the non-root app user by default. The greatest appeal of containers, though, is their ability to «die» gracefully and respawn when load balancing demands it. It used to be that when you wanted to run a web application, you bought a server, installed Linux, set up a LAMP stack, and ran the app. If your app got popular, you practiced good load balancing by setting up a second server to ensure the application wouldn’t crash from too much traffic.

We are building on our unique connected experience from code to cloud for developers and developer teams. Instead of adding new layers to an image, a better solution to preserve data produced by a running container is using Docker volumes. This helpful tool allows users to save data, share it between containers, and mount it to new ones. Docker volumes are independent of the container life cycle as they are get stored on the host. Docker Hub is the largest cloud-based repository of container images provided by Docker.

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